It's already May, where has the last few months gone? It's hard to believe it's May. It's now official I'm done with my Masters degree. I graduated last weekend while I was home in AZ. Brian flew down to see me walk!!! It was awesome but at the same time tough to say goodbye to my parents again. We got back a few days ago and we move tomorrow to a newly remodeled apartment with the washer/dryer in it. Good news is our new place is right across the street from both the high school and elementary school. Bad news is our bedrooms are way smaller than they are here. I took a bunch of pictures today when I went to hang up the command hooks for our curtains. I'll be posting them sometime this weekend with of course some after pictures of once we get our stuff unpacked! Looks like we will be going to Spain for Memorial Day weekend. I got tons of pictures and stories to post to catch everyone up on our trips from before I left... I better get busy before we add in more trips!!! I'll be back sometime next week with pictures of our new place and that. in the mean time check out this playground that is by our new place.

Oh and dad sorry we don't live in the apartment building that has purple on the stairwells outside!!! Here's a nice picture though of those :) Well one of them, the other building that is by ours has a deeper purple...