pretty lake on the way to the cabins :)
more of the pretty lake :)
camp grounds
Our little cabin for the weekend :)
Well we made it back in one piece which is always good. Nothing broken or really injured! Friday we left to head to Switzerland. We got in late Friday night, checked into the cabins then headed downtown to eat dinner. We had amazingly good food with smelly Swiss cheese on it! A group of us went out for drinks after dinner. It was decided that the group would heli-ski on Sunday due to the cruddy weather that was expected on Saturday. Saturday morning we got up and yup cruddy weather! Nothing but rain on the ground, snow on the tops of the peaks. Brian and I headed up with the group to ski, I didn't make it far at all. My knee was really bothering me so I opted to go back to the cabin and try to rest it while Brian hit the slopes without me. He caught up to the group somehow and stayed with them for the rest of the day. He took a few falls and ended up managing to make it down the one hill before his ski and it attacked his face. Just a little cut later and he is fine!
Saturday night we headed to Interlaken for dinner. We went to Hooters for dinner and it was mighty yummy. It was about a 15 minute drive which wasn't bad at all. Yup out of ten of us, there was only 2 women. At first it was just supposed to be me and 8 guys! LOL I'm glad Jen was able to come with us at the last minute. After heading back to the cabins some of the guys went back out for drinks. I'm pretty sure we ended up going to bed after having a beer at the cabin's bar.
Sunday morning the boys and Jen left for the heli-ski trip. I went back to sleep after they left. I got up a little later and got ready to head to Wengen. As I was waiting for the bus to go to the train station I see a helicopter flying towards the cabins. A few minutes later a car pulls into the parking lot, out gets one of the guys that was with us. He got injured and they brought him back. I made sure he was taken care of (this later paid off!) I then took off 30 minutes later to head to Wengen. It was such a cute little town and had the most amazing views of the town we stayed in! I could have sat there all day looking at the valley and just enjoyed it. So peaceful nothing but the train and the birds could be heard.
Some of the hotels in Wengen
Train Station in Wengen
More hotels in Wengen (The one on the right is a Best Western)
Another hotel in Wengen
Me up by the Chapel on the hill overlooking the valley somewhat!
One of the pretty pretty peaks :)
more of another peak
The Pretty Chapel (I fell in love!)
Taxi in Wengen
I took a video and will work on uploading it so you can hear how peaceful it really was up by the little chapel they had. It had a few benches in front of it on the side of the hill to over look the valley. This was my favorite place up there! I'd give anything to go sit and relax there again. Sunday afternoon came and everyone got back to the cabins safely or pretty safe lol. We went downtown for dinner and had wonderful fondue! Three different types, we shared with a guy on our trip. From there we went out for dessert and then for drinks. Around 12:30/1 am we walked back to the cabins from the bar... Once we got to the cabins I decided to throw the key (wooden block, rope, key) onto the ground to watch it bounce.... Bounce it sure did! Right into the little creek on the camp grounds and floated under the road where it stayed. We couldn't get in our room at all until the next morning. We bunked with the people next door until morning. Once the morning rolled around we waited around for the office to open up and to get the maid to open our door for us. We paid the camp grounds $88.86 US dollars for the stupid key :( lets just say it's a funny story to tell now!
Chapel in Lauterbrunnen
Flowers on my walk back to the cabins
Pretty pretty waterfalls were everywhere this trip!
Amazing brownie and hot chocolate I had on my way back to the cabins :) the brownie had chunks of white chocolate in it and the hot chocolate had dark chocolate shavings on top! YUMMY!!!!
Our one side of the sets of cabins we were in. Our room was the middle door!
The inside of our cabin (it's blurry sorry!)