Here are pictures of our newest apartment when it was empty. I'll try my best to get pictures of the new apartment furnished and complete this week!
Our bedroom closets, the four doors on the left have room for hanging clothes with a shelf on the bottom and on top. The last two doors on the right hand side have shelving in them.

Our bedroom

the other wall across from the closets

Our bathroom, toilet is behind the door on the right, then is the shower/bath. On the left hand side we have our washer/dryer and the double set of sinks!

linen closet

Spare Room, see how tiny it is?

Spare room closet/window. Door on right is shelving and the other two have a hanger section with 2 shelves.

Standing in the hallway looking into the spare room

One section of our living room. See the ugly ugly pillar?

Other half of the living room

Half of our dinning room and looking into our kitchen, excuse the mess!

Other half of the dinning room with our back door

Coat closets behind the front door. Right one has shelving but is very shallow, left two doors have the hanger section and 2 shelves again

Our kitchen part 1, a little bigger

Other half of the kicthen

our balcony