Wednesday, January 27, 2010

last night

Tonight is our last night in the Inn!! We move up the street in the morning. Brian has to go take his driving test tomorrow so while he is doing that I will be doing our walk thru on our place and getting the internet/phone set up! We will be calling back home this weekend to give everyone an update and to say hi so look forward to that call. This week brought up the question of what we will do as far as a state side number goes. Our thought is since we will have my old laptop on Friday we can set it up with a Skype account so people from the states can call us and it won't be expensive on either end. As soon as we know what we are doing we will let everyone know. They won't let us use a wireless router or programs such as Skype here in the Inn which is why we've put it off. I know I know shame on us! Oh well. Hopefully we get our unaccompanied baggage on Friday. In there is some of my scrapbooking things such as my Cricut, cartridges and paper so I can have something besides homework to do! We also will have our smaller tv (the one I bought when I first got up to Drum) and our Wii so we can finally play with our present we had for a few weeks before it got packed up. This will be just like Christmas all over again. My class this term is going ok, I can tell the teacher has high high standards (more than in any other class I've taken) which I'm struggling with but will hopefully be able to pull out an A in this class. We are thinking about taking a trip up to the ski resort (a few hours from here) during the first weekend in March. I'll have that week off from classes which will be nice. Brian wants to go ski several times before the close for the season so we'll see what happens! He even said I could spend the day at the Spa while he went to ski... I might just have to take him up on that offer! Today was by far the coldest day we've had yet. It wasn't until around noon when it hit over 10 degrees. By 4:30 tonight it was a cool 20 degrees (the high for the day). Tomorrow is supposed to be 29 and snowing which will be great for my walk up the street. Luckily we have a fellow soldier who is coming over to let us pile our luggage in her car so we don't have to drag it around in the snow/slush crud outside on the street and sidewalk! What is even better is we already know what we will be eating on Friday and Saturday as long as our stuff comes on Friday. I'm off to go work on my application(s) for a few jobs before heading to bed. Hope everyone is having a good week!

Lots of love,
Jessi and Brian


  1. Sounds like you guys are getting along just fine. Glad to hear that you are meeting new people and getting to know some of the area. Bet you can't wait to get into your apartment. I'm sure it's geeting old living at the Inn. Also glad to hear that Brian is going to try to get some skiing in. That should be awesome, know he will enjoy that. Also bet you will enjoy the spa Jess haha. Hey the guy I work with Alan is a Huge beer guy and he recomended you try a beer named Erdinger said its very good. Also told me about another beer named Rauchenfels SteinBrau from Bamburg, Germany. Said that they brew it using hot stones and its his absolute favorite beer. He was able to get it at a store here called beers of the world but they re unable to carry it for some reason and he almost cried when they told him that. Wish there was a way that you could ship him some. Maybe if we come to visit we'll have to try and get it. It's been warm here our weather has been in the 30's and 40's with some rain so all our snow is just about gone. But they say near the end of the week it will get cold again with more snow, so much for our January thaw. Back to winter for awhile longer. Tell Brian good luck on his driving test, sounds like he better get a map to. haha. Well good luck with the move and keep an eye out for your boxes. Let us know when you get Skype and how it works. Can't wait to talk with you both. Miss you lots, the house is so quite these days. lol Love, Mom and Dad

  2. I can't believe how much homework you have in the middle of...oh, moving to another COUNTRY!! Are you trying to teach or are you waiting until you complete school? Sorry it's been so COLD! We were SPOILED in Arizona!! I definitely still miss it there.

  3. Just an FYI - you won my Sony Touch giveaway!!! Check out the announcement on my blog for instructions on how to claim it! :)

  4. Congrats on winning the reader :) It looks like you guys just moved to Germany! We are in Grafenwoehr.

  5. Amy,

    Yes we were spoiled in Arizona! Oh well it will be ok. Surprisingly it isn't THAT bad here compared to Drum where we last were :) From what I heard from another wife (not sure how true it is) that it is very hard to get into the schools here as a teacher. They have a supply technician job open that I'm going to apply for so I can at least be in the schools and have a foot in the door. So we will see what happens. School is crazy but I'm only taking 1 class for these 8 weeks and then I have 2 classes left.

    HellcatBettey, Thanks!! I saw that and have emailed you.

    Julie, yes we just got here 2.5 weeks ago. We are in Ansbach, maybe we could meet up one weekend!
